HL7 Croatia

About Us



Current Logo


Year of establishment

No official logos

Year of establishment


Number of members

Currently we hold 6 individual members and 4 organizational members.

Current Chair

Miroslav Koncar

Miroslav Koncar

Technical Lead and working groups

Currently the position is vacant.

Some highlights and major achievements - since establishment

HL7 has been successfully introduced into the Croatian eHealth deployments. HL7v3 and CDA are prevalent technology for interoperability on the national eHealth network (www.cezih.hr). That system allows for process integration and communication on the level of primary care, with insurance, public health authority and MoH. Most recently, the system has been connecting with hospitals using the same standards as well.

With hospital EMR's, HL7v2 is predominant standard.

Most recently, some early projects using FHIR have also been taking place.

HL7 Croatia continuously provides efforts with awareness, education and certification sessions. We have 10 certified HL7 specialists, the largest pool in the region. We have also been cooperating the regional affiliates and authorities, and held several conferences with C level participation, European Commission, HIMSS and others.

Plans for the future?

We plan to further focus on HL7 adoption, especially FHIR. Our mission is to educate the market of importance of interoperability, and engage the community with wider international experts network, to share experience and accelerate the adoption.