HL7 France

About Us



Current Logo


Year of establishment


Number of members


Current Chair

The current chair (interim) is Nicolas Riss PharmD .

Technical Lead and working groups

François Macary (PHAST), Eric Dufour (SELIC), Isabelle Gibaud (HAS).

Working group : FHIR France (localisation of FHIR profiles in France (https://simplifier.net/organization/hl7francepartofinteropsantassociation)

What are some highlights and major achievements - since establishment

HL7 France was created in 2007 to migrate the French HPRIM standard used in the field of medical biology to the international HL7 standard. This work continued within IHE France, which was at the origin of the creation of the IHE PALm domain. HL7 France and IHE France are grouped within the same non-profit organization Interop'Santé.

HL7 France also worked on the localization of CDA documents. The specifications produced by the working group at the time served as the basis for the national DMP specifications (national EHR). A working group was created 3 years ago to locate HL7 FHIR resources.

Government institutions (ANS - Agence Nationale du Numérique en Santé, HAS - Haute Autorité de Santé) actively participate in the working groups. ANS is in charge of producing the CI-SIS (Framework for Interoperability of Health Information Systems in France) which is based on HL7 standards.

Interop'Santé (HL7 France and IH France) has worked hard to promote HL7 and IHE profiles in France. Interop'Santé regularly participates in national events (SantExpo, Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Journées de l'Innovation en Biologie).

Interop'Santé also offers training courses on HL7 V2, CDA and FHIR, in Paris but also in the regions. In 2019, 84 students have registered for these trainings.

What are the plans for the future?

Interop'Santé est partie prenante de la mise en place du plan « Ma Santé 2022 ». « Ma Santé 2022 » est une réforme du système de santé français annoncée par le gouvernement français en septembre 2018, et qui se concrétise le 26 juillet 2019 par l'adoption de la loi relative à l'organisation et à la transformation du système de santé portée par le ministère de la santé. Plusieurs actions sont prévues dont la constitution d'une plateforme nationale de services. L'interopérabilité de cette plateforme s'appuie sur les spécifications du CI-SIS, qui s'appuie sur le standard HL7 et les profils IHE.

Interop'Santé is involved in the implementation of "Ma Santé 2022". "Ma Santé 2022" is a reform of the French health system announced by the French government in September 2018, and which will take concrete form on July 26, 2019 with the adoption of the law on the organization and transformation of the health system by the Ministry of Health. Several actions are planned, including the creation of a national platform of services. The interoperability of this platform is based on the CI-SIS specifications, which is based on the HL7 standard and IHE profiles.