HL7 Europe Foundation Board of Directors

About Us

Julia Skapik, MD
National Association of Community Health Centers,
HL7 International Board Member, USA
Contact: jskapik@nachc.com

Andrew J. Trescott
Accenture, Board Chair HL7 International, USA
Contact: andrew.j.truscott@accenture.com

Catherine Chronaki
Secretary General, HL7 Europe Foundation, Greece
Contact: chronaki@HL7europe.org

Giorgio Cangioli
Technical Lead, HL7 Europe Foundation, Chair HL7 Italy, Italy
Contact: Giorgio.cangioli@HL7Europe.org

Mark Douglas McDougall
Executive Director, HL7 International, USA
Contact: markmcd@HL7.org

Robert Arjen Stegwee
Chair CEN/TC251, The Netherlands
Contact: robert@trace-health.nl

Jens Kristian Villadsen
Software Pilot, Chair HL7 Denmark, Denmark
Contact: jvi@trifork.com

Line Andreassen Saele
tietoevry, Chair HL7 Norway, Norway
Contact: line.saele@tietoevry.com

Roeland Luykx, PhD
Raly, Switzerland
Contact: roeland.luykx@raly.ch

Charles Jaffe, MD
CEO, HL7 International, USA
Contact: cjaffe@HL7.org

Professor Anne Moen, RN PhD FACMI FIAHSI
Institute for health and society, University of Oslo, Norway
Contact: anne.moen@medisin.uio.no

Professor Henrique Martins, MD PhD FIAHSI
Health Management and Leadership at FCS-UBI and ISCTE-IUL (Iscte-Health), Portugal
Contact: henrique@henriquemartins.eu

Professor William Edward Hammond
Chair Emeritus HL7 International, Duke Clinical & Translational Science Institute, United States
Contact: william.hammond@duke.edu