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18.4.41 CCR/ACK - Collaborative Care Referral (Events I16, I17 and I18) (11.6.2)

The trigger events that use this message are described in the sections below. The Collaborate Care Referral message is sent from one healthcare provider to another regarding a specific patient or group of patients. The collaborative care referral may contain specific clinical orders, patient demographic information, a full history of appointments, specific medical procedures that have been performed, a full clinical history, an administrative history of patient visits, a full medication history, all relevant problems, pathways and goal. This message uses the REL segment to express the relationships between patients and clinical orders and/or clinical histories, patients and patient visits, patients and medical histories, patients and problems, goals and pathways, as well as patients and providers, and providers and patient problems, goals and patient pathways. The REL segments can also be used to express the relationships between providers. The collaborative care referral message definitely implies intent to share, or transfer some, or all, of the care of the patient to the referred to provider or providers.