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18.4.62 EHC^E10 - Edit/Adjudication Results (event E10) (16.3.6)

This message is used to send edit and/or adjudication results for a HealthCare Services Invoice. Edit/Adjudication results are sent to the same Network Application ID that originated the Invoice, which was specified as the Sending Application on MSH on the original HealthCare Services Invoice.

This message is returned to a Provider Application each time an EHC^E01 - Submit HealthCare Services Invoice message is successfully processed by a Payer Application. As a minimum, the EHC^E10 - Edit/Adjudication Results message will contain the Payer Applications' Invoice number (Payer Invoice Number on IVC), status codes for each Product/Service Line Item in the Invoice and optionally, a tracking number for the Payer Application (Payer Tracking Number on PSL).

Note that an EHC^E12 - Request Additional Information (pending) is a valid response for an EHC^E01 - Submit HealthCare Services Invoice. In this case, the interactions would be EHC^E01 -> EHC^E12 (pending). If the Payer Application is able to process the Invoice on-line, the EHC^E10 - Edit/Adjudication Results message will contain the Invoice Processing Results portion completely filled out, indicating the results of the adjudication (e.g., paid as submitted, paid partial, etc.).

Processing Rules: