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18.4.66 EHC^E20 - Submit Authorization Request (event E20) (16.3.10)

This message is used to submit a single Authorization Request to a TPA/Payer for authorization (for payment). An Authorization Request is made for one or more patients and may include 1 or more Product/Service Line Items (detail lines), each of which represents a specific, billable item or Payer allowed Treatment Plan.

If the Authorization is approved, then the Payer Application will return either an Authorization Number (Authorization Identifier on AUT) or individual who has authorized the Authorization Request (Name of Authorizer on AUT). The Authorization Number is not the same number as the Authorization Request Number; the latter indicates the number used to identify the request for authorization. The presence of the AUT segment in the EHC^E24 - Authorization Request Response message implies authorization. However, the Authorization may be restricted, which is described as Payer Adjustments.

This message can be used to submit an Authorization Request or to resubmit an Authorization Request (in case it was not properly acknowledged the first time that it was submitted). This message cannot be used to update an Authorization Request (e.g., add or cancel Product/Service Line Items) or cancel an Authorization Request. To cancel an Authorization Request, use the EHC^E21 - Cancel Authorization Request message. To update an Authorization it must first be cancelled (see EHC^E21 - Cancel Authorization Request) and then re-submitted using this message with new Provider control numbers.

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