Score and Assessment Systems

Morse Fall Scale

Author: Null
Original Work: Null
Coypright: unknown

Trademark: unknown

Explanation: The Morse Fall Scale (MFS) is a rapid and simple method of assessing a resident’s likelihood of falling. The MFS is used widely in acute care settings. Fall Risk is based upon Fall Risk Factors and it is more than a Total Score. Determine Fall Risk Factors and Target Interventions to Reduce Risks. Complete on admission, at change of condition, transfer to new unit, and after a fall.
HL7 v2.x datatype: NM
HL7 V3 datatype: CO
Links: Morse Fall Scale

Specialities: Patient Care / Pflege


Codesystem Code Value(s) Interpretation
pseudo 1 0-24 no risk: good basic nursing care
pseudo 2 25-45 low to moderate risk: implement standard fall prevention interventions using the Falling Leaf Program
pseudo 3 46- high risk: implement high-risk fall prevention interventions using the Falling Leaf Program


Comp. Decription Bezeichnung Code System: Codes/
Score Value
Details /
Score Range
HL7 DT v2 + V3 /
Snomed CT
1 History of falling
Note: If a resident falls for the first time, then his/her score immediately increases by 25.

no 0 - NM + CO
yes 25 - NM + CO
2 Seconday Diagnosis

no 0 - NM + CO
yes 15 - NM + CO
3 Ambulatory Aid

bed rest/nurse assist 0 - NM + CO
crutches/cane/walker 15 - NM + CO
furniture 30 - NM + CO
4 IV or IV access
IV Access
no 0 - NM + CO
yes 20 - NM + CO
5 Gait
Gang(art), Haltung
normal/bed rest/immobile 0 - NM + CO
weak 10 - NM + CO
impaired 20 - NM + CO
6 Mental Status
Mental Status When using this scale, mental status is measured by checking the residents self-assessment of his/her own ability to ambulate. Ask the resident, “Are you able to go to the bathroom alone, or do you need assistance?
mentaler Status
knows own limits 0 - NM + CO
overestimates or forgets limits 15 - NM + CO
TOTAL SCORE Morse Fall Scale
The Morse Fall Scale (MFS) is a rapid and simple method of assessing a resident’s likelihood of falling. The MFS is used widely in acute care settings. Fall Risk is based upon Fall Risk Factors and it is more than a Total Score. Determine Fall Risk Factors and Target Interventions to Reduce Risks. Complete on admission, at change of condition, transfer to new unit, and after a fall.

Please send corrections and additions to hl7(at)

Links to Further Information

General Note

The primary purpose of the information provided above is to enhance interoperability. The primary focus lies on the assigned codes.
Therefore, no guarantee can be given whether the use of the score or assessment system is allowed or not. It is highly recommended to check with the author directly. We are aware that the presented information may be not enough in order to work with it. The authors have done their best to ensure copyright and other jurisdictional requirements.

Date of Last Change: Nov 06, 2008 (FO)