HL7 Bosnia & Herzegovina

About Us

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Current Logo

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Year of establishment


Number of members

It is very difficult to get someone into membership, but we have associates at all health and government levels.

Current Chair


Dedovic Samir

Technical Lead and working groups

Technical lead is Mehic Adis with coworkers Demirovic Tarik and Cisija Elvir.
Working groups running Dautbegovic Edin

What are some highlights and major achievements - since establishment

Cooperation with government institutions

As Bosnia and Herzegovina is a very complicated country, the work itself is also complicated. As a country, we do not have a Ministry of Health, but we do have a Federal Ministry of Health, the RS Ministry of Health and the Brcko District. And maybe we can somehow manage to do that, but then in the Federation we have cantonal levels of government; which means another 10 Ministries of Health at the cantonal level. Fortunately, each canton is organized according to the primary, secondary and tertiary management of the health system. But we still managed to be present in most health centers with our applications. We have complete cooperation with health insurance institutes that are at the cantonal level of government and they are controlling systems. In two cantonal health care institutions they are using our solutions. In the rest of cantons we are present with lot of solutions regarding Ambulance and hospital information systems.

Project Highlights

Some of our expertise are Hospital information system (HIS) with full integration with other system involved in process like: Radiology information system (RIS), Laboratory information system (LIS) and Financial information systems (FIS).

Also, we are implement ePrescription in several cantons in BiH and we were carriers of implementation ePrescription in Serbia thru our friendly company where we connected more than 4400 pharmacy stores including more than 15.000 doctors who prescribe prescriptions

Also we finished with eID for cantons in BiH.

Screening projects like mammography we done in one canton in BiH and also in some of area in Serbia.

In Republic of Croatia most of the hospitals using our RIS system.

We have used HL7 protocols to implement advanced communication with PACS providers including AGFA, SECTRA and CareStream.

Centralization and integration process are simple something what we done in region.

What are the plans for the future?