PanCareSurPass Project HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - trial-use 150

This page is part of the PanCareSurPass Project HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide (v0.1.0: QA Preview) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Risk Factors

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Active as of 2023-01-26 Computable Name: CsRiskFactorPcsp

Risk Factors used by the PCSP algorithm

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

1.1 RT to a vol exposing the thyroid glandRT to a vol exposing the thyroid gland
1.3 MIBG therapy (I-131 MIBG therapy)MIBG therapy (I-131 MIBG therapy)
2.1 RT >= 10 Gy to a vol exposing the breastsRT >= 10 Gy to a vol exposing the breasts
2.2 OR upper abdominal field radiation that can extend above the diaphragm likely exposing breast tissue at a young ageOR upper abdominal field radiation that can extend above the diaphragm likely exposing breast tissue at a young age
3.1 RT >= 35 Gy to a vol exposing the heartRT >= 35 Gy to a vol exposing the heart
3.2 Anthracyclines (doxorubicin isotoxic equivalents)>= 250 mg/m2Anthracyclines (doxorubicin isotoxic equivalents)>= 250 mg/m2
3.3 RT >= 15 Gy to a vol exposing the heart AND Anthracyclines (doxorubicin isotoxic equivalents)>= 100 mg/m2RT >= 15 Gy to a vol exposing the heart AND Anthracyclines (doxorubicin isotoxic equivalents)>= 100 mg/m2
4.1 Alkylating agentsAlkylating agents
4.2 RT to a vol exposing the testesRT to a vol exposing the testes
5.1 RT between 15 and 35 Gy to a vol exposing the heartRT between 15 and 35 Gy to a vol exposing the heart
6.1 RT to a vol exposing the testes or pelvisRT to a vol exposing the testes or pelvis
6.3 Surgery to the spinal cord, sympathetic nerves or pelvisSurgery to the spinal cord, sympathetic nerves or pelvis
6.4 HypogonadalHypogonadal
7.2 RT to a vol exposing the ovariesRT to a vol exposing the ovaries
8.1 RT >= 30 Gy to a vol exposing the head or the brainRT >= 30 Gy to a vol exposing the head or the brain
8.2 Cisplatin (with or without carboplatin > 1500 mg/m2)Cisplatin (with or without carboplatin > 1500 mg/m2)
9.1 RT to a vol exposing the pancreasRT to a vol exposing the pancreas
11.1 RT to a volume exposing the hypothalamus or pituatary glandRT to a volume exposing the hypothalamus or pituatary gland
11.3 Hypothalamic or pituitary tumourHypothalamic or pituitary tumour
11.4 Neurosurgery of the hypothalamus or pituitary glandNeurosurgery of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland
12.1 RT to a vol exposing the kidneys, heart and associated large vesselsRT to a vol exposing the kidneys, heart and associated large vessels
12.3 NephrectomyNephrectomy
12.4 IfosfamideIfosfamide
12.5 Platinium based chemotherapyPlatinium based chemotherapy
12.6 NitrosureasNitrosureas
12.7 Immunosuppressives treatment and prolonged steroids as anticancer treatment (at least 4 weeks, continuously)Immunosuppressives treatment and prolonged steroids as anticancer treatment (at least 4 weeks, continuously)
13.1 Cranial and/or spinal RTCranial and/or spinal RT
13.3 MethotrexateMethotrexate
13.4 Gonadal failureGonadal failure
13.5 Growth hormone deficiencyGrowth hormone deficiency
13.6 Prolonged (at least 4 weeks, continuously) corticosteroids as anti-cancer treatmentProlonged (at least 4 weeks, continuously) corticosteroids as anti-cancer treatment
14.3 High dose RTHigh dose RT
15.1 Radiotherapy to a vol exposing the HP region >= 30 GyRadiotherapy to a vol exposing the HP region >= 30 Gy
15.2 Surgery near or within the HP regionSurgery near or within the HP region
15.3 CNS tumours near or within the HP regionCNS tumours near or within the HP region
16.1 Radiotherapy to a vol exposing the HP region< 30 GyRadiotherapy to a vol exposing the HP region< 30 Gy
16.2 Hydrocephalus or cerebrospinal fluid shunt (Risk factor for GHD)Hydrocephalus or cerebrospinal fluid shunt (Risk factor for GHD)
17.1 Radiotherapy to a vol exposing the HP regionRadiotherapy to a vol exposing the HP region
17.3 Surgery near or within the HP regionSurgery near or within the HP region
18.1 Radiotherapy to a vol exposing the HP regionRadiotherapy to a vol exposing the HP region
18.3 Surgery near or within the HP regionSurgery near or within the HP region
19.1 RT to a vol exposing the thyroid glandRT to a vol exposing the thyroid gland
19.3 Radioiodine therapy (I-131 ablation therapy)Radioiodine therapy (I-131 ablation therapy)
19.5 Allogenic HSCTAllogenic HSCT
19.6 Total thyroidectomyTotal thyroidectomy
20.1 RT to a vol exposing the head, brain or neckRT to a vol exposing the head, brain or neck
21.1 History of a central nervous system tumorHistory of a central nervous system tumor
21.2 RT to a vol exposing the brain ANY DOSERT to a vol exposing the brain ANY DOSE
21.4 Brain surgeryBrain surgery
21.5 High dose cytarabine IV (intravenous)High dose cytarabine IV (intravenous)
21.6 High dose MTX IVHigh dose MTX IV
21.7 Any Chemotherapy IT (intrathecal)Any Chemotherapy IT (intrathecal)
22.1 Vinca-AlkaloidsVinca-Alkaloids
22.2 Cisplatin or carboplatinCisplatin or carboplatin
23.1 RT to a vol exposing the lensRT to a vol exposing the lens
24.1 RT to a vol exposing the eye and orbitRT to a vol exposing the eye and orbit
24.3 Radioiodine therapy (I-131 ablation therapy)Radioiodine therapy (I-131 ablation therapy)
25.1 RT to a vol exposing the craniofacial area, especially after high doses and at a young ageRT to a vol exposing the craniofacial area, especially after high doses and at a young age
25.3 Surgery to the face, especially at a young ageSurgery to the face, especially at a young age
26.1 Surgery of the spineSurgery of the spine
26.2 Surgery of the chest (Does not include CVC pose)Surgery of the chest (Does not include CVC pose)
26.3 RT to a vol exposing the spineRT to a vol exposing the spine
26.4 Spinal or paraspinal malignanciesSpinal or paraspinal malignancies
27.1 CyclophosphamideCyclophosphamide
27.3 RT to a vol exposing the bladderRT to a vol exposing the bladder
27.5 CystectomyCystectomy
27.6 HysterectomyHysterectomy
27.7 Pelvic surgeryPelvic surgery
27.8 Spinal cord surgerySpinal cord surgery
28.1 RT to a vol exposing the uterus only femaleRT to a vol exposing the uterus only female
29.1 RT to a vol exposing the oral cavity or salivary glandsRT to a vol exposing the oral cavity or salivary glands
29.4 ChemotherapyChemotherapy
30.1 RT to a vol exposing the gastro-intestinal tractRT to a vol exposing the gastro-intestinal tract
30.3 Oesophageal surgeryOesophageal surgery
30.4 Abdominal surgeryAbdominal surgery
30.5 With a history of chronic GVHDWith a history of chronic GVHD
31.1 Anthracyclines (doxorubicin isotoxic equivalents) <100 mg/m2Anthracyclines (doxorubicin isotoxic equivalents) <100 mg/m2
32.1 RT to a vol exposing the lungsRT to a vol exposing the lungs
32.3 BleomycinBleomycin
32.4 BusulfanBusulfan
32.5 BCNU CarmustineBCNU Carmustine
32.6 CCNU LomustineCCNU Lomustine
32.7 Thoracic surgeryThoracic surgery
33.1 Cisplatin Any doseCisplatin Any dose
33.3 Carboplatin Any doseCarboplatin Any dose
34.1 RT to a volume exposing the liverRT to a volume exposing the liver
34.3 HSCT (irrespective of GVHD)HSCT (irrespective of GVHD)
34.5 Mercaptopurine ThioguanineMercaptopurine Thioguanine
34.6 DactinomycinDactinomycin
34.8 Chronic viral hepatitisChronic viral hepatitis
34.9 Sinusoidal obstruction syndromeSinusoidal obstruction syndrome
34.10 Chronic GVHDChronic GVHD
34.11 Liver surgeryLiver surgery
35.2 Multiple red blood cell transfusionsMultiple red blood cell transfusions
36.1 SplenectomySplenectomy
36.2 RT >= 10 Gy to a vol exposing the spleenRT >= 10 Gy to a vol exposing the spleen
36.4 Autologus HSCT conditioned with TBIAutologus HSCT conditioned with TBI
37.1 Hereditary cancer sdHereditary cancer sd
38.1 Any RT including TBIAny RT including TBI
39.1 RT to a vol exposing the colon and rectumRT to a vol exposing the colon and rectum
40.1 RT to a vol exposing the oral cavityRT to a vol exposing the oral cavity
41.2 Anthracyclines and/or MitoxantroneAnthracyclines and/or Mitoxantrone
41.3 Epipodophyllotoxins or autologousEpipodophyllotoxins or autologous
41.4 Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantAutologous haematopoietic stem cell transplant
42.1 Ciclofosfamide, Ifosfamide (particularly if they have a history of severe hemorrhagic cystitis)Ciclofosfamide, Ifosfamide (particularly if they have a history of severe hemorrhagic cystitis)
42.2 RT to a vol exposing the bladderRT to a vol exposing the bladder
44.1 RT to a vol exposing the lungsRT to a vol exposing the lungs
45.1 RT to a vol exposing the head or brainRT to a vol exposing the head or brain
46.2 Anthracyclines (doxorubicin isotoxic equivalents) between 100 and 250 mg/m2Anthracyclines (doxorubicin isotoxic equivalents) between 100 and 250 mg/m2
47.1 RT to a vol exposing the kidney or urinary tractRT to a vol exposing the kidney or urinary tract