HL7 Europe Laboratory Report
0.1.0 - trial-use 150

This page is part of the HL7 Europe Laboratory Report (v0.1.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Background
... 3 Laboratory Report scenarios
... 4 Managing Laboratory Report statuses
... 5 Design choices
... 6 Challenges
... 7 Implementation notes
... 8 Certified reference material
... 10 eHN guideline data set
... 11 Authors and contributors
... 12 Obligations
... 13 Known Issues
... 14 Artifacts Summary
.... 14.1 A - Laboratory Report
.... 14.2 A.1.1, A.1.2 - Subject of care
.... 14.3 A.1.3 - Health insurance and payment information
.... 14.4 A.1.4 - Information recipient
.... 14.5 A.1.5 - Author
.... 14.6 A.1.6 - Legal authenticator
.... 14.7 A.1.7 - Result validator
.... 14.8 A.2, A.3 - Order
.... 14.9 A.4 - Specimen information
.... 14.10 A.5 - Results data elements
.... 14.11 A - Laboratory Report model to this guide
.... 14.12 A.1.1, A.1.2 - Subject of care model to this guide
.... 14.13 A.1.3 - Health insurance and payment information model to this guide
.... 14.14 A.1.4 - Information recipient model to this guide
.... 14.15 A.1.5 - Author model to this guide
.... 14.16 A.1.6 - Legal authenticator model to this guide
.... 14.17 A.1.7 - Result validator model to this guide
.... 14.18 A.2, A.3 - Order model to this guide
.... 14.19 A.4 - Specimen information model to this guide
.... 14.20 A.5 - Results data elements model to this guide
.... 14.21 Actor Laboratory Report Consumer
.... 14.22 Actor Laboratory Report Creator
.... 14.23 Actor Laboratory Report Repository
.... 14.24 Human Name Obligations
.... 14.25 Observation Obligations
.... 14.26 Patient Obligations
.... 14.27 ServiceRequest Obligations
.... 14.28 Specimen Obligations
.... 14.29 Body structure: Laboratory
.... 14.30 Bundle: Laboratory Report
.... 14.31 Composition: Laboratory Report
.... 14.32 DiagnosticReport: Laboratory Report
.... 14.33 Observation Results: laboratory
.... 14.34 Patient: Animal
.... 14.35 Patient: Person
.... 14.36 Practitioner: Laboratory Report
.... 14.37 PractitionerRole: Laboratory Report
.... 14.38 ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order
.... 14.39 Specimen: Laboratory
.... 14.40 Substance: Specimen Additive Substance
.... 14.41 Address (EU)
.... 14.42 HumanName (Eu)
.... 14.43 Quantity (Eu Lab)
.... 14.44 Ratio (Eu Lab)
.... 14.45 Certified Reference Material: CodeableConcept
.... 14.46 Certified Reference Material: Identifier
.... 14.47 Device Laboratory Test Kit
.... 14.48 Document DiagnosticReport Reference
.... 14.49 Body Structure Laterality
.... 14.50 Body Structure Qualifier (no laterality)
.... 14.51 Laboratory Certified Reference Material
.... 14.52 Laboratory Code
.... 14.53 Laboratory Code: LOINC
.... 14.54 Laboratory Code: NPU
.... 14.55 Laboratory Order
.... 14.56 Laboratory Report Types
.... 14.57 Laboratory Specialty
.... 14.58 Laboratory Study Types
.... 14.59 Laboratory Techniques
.... 14.60 Specimen Additive
.... 14.61 Specimen Container
.... 14.62 Specimen Types
.... 14.63 Laboratory Code: example
.... 14.64 DiagnosticReport to Composition status
.... 14.65 Bundle: converted from CDA
.... 14.66 Bundle: Hepatitis Panel
.... 14.67 Bundle: Microbiology Culture + Susceptibility
.... 14.68 Bundle: MyHealth@EU Proof Of Concept
.... 14.69 Bundle: two sections
.... 14.70 Composition: example
.... 14.71 DiagnosticReport: example
.... 14.72 Observation: Aerobic Culture example
.... 14.73 Observation: Anaerobic Culture example
.... 14.74 Observation: certified reference material
.... 14.75 Observation: Gram Staining example
.... 14.76 Observation: Gram-positive cocci example
.... 14.77 Observation: Gram-positive cocci, observed quantity, example
.... 14.78 Observation: Leukocytes Presence example
.... 14.79 Observation: ratio example
.... 14.80 Observation: Staphylococcus aureus Cephalothin susceptibility example
.... 14.81 Observation: Staphylococcus aureus Growth example
.... 14.82 Observation: Staphylococcus aureus identified example
.... 14.83 Observation: Staphylococcus aureus levoFLOXacin susceptibility example
.... 14.84 Observation: Staphylococcus aureus Oxacillin susceptibility example
.... 14.85 Observation: Staphylococcus aureus susceptibility panel example
.... 14.86 Observation: Staphylococcus aureus Vancomycin susceptibility example
.... 14.87 Patient: animal example
.... 14.88 Patient: Dutch complete name
.... 14.89 Patient: example
.... 14.90 Practitioner: example
.... 14.91 PractitionerRole: example
.... 14.92 ServiceRequest: example
.... 14.93 Specimen: animal example